Article marketing helps every business owner achieve their main objectives, obtaining and retaining customers. Through the simple process of crafting informational articles to post in a variety of locations, customers can locate your product line. In its present form, article marketing is primarily an online process. Article marketing actually began, though, in traditional newspapers and magazines. At one point in time, business owners were actually invited by print publications to craft a knowledgeable article on a subject for their publication. The business owner got free advertising, and the publication got a piece that might interest readers. These days, that doesn't happen quite as frequently in the print world, but in the world of online publications, there are dozens of places to publish your articles. Why Article Marketing? There are two primary reasons to consider article marketing. The first reason is that if your piece is properly optimized for search engines, users will find it when they type in a certain keyword string. That makes both your name and your piece more visible, increasing the likelihood that they will click-through to your site and your product line. The second reason you should consider article marketing is that it helps to create a sense of trust with your customers. If you're knowledgeable enough to craft an article on the topic, then customers may think that your product line is equally informative and worth the investment. The Key Components Should you decide article marketing is right for you, there are several things to keep in mind. * Choose the right keywords to focus on. You probably handled a bit of keyword research as you built your site, and the results of that research can be used in your article marketing campaign as well. Choosing the right keywords will increase your targeted traffic numbers. * If you're not a writer, consider hiring a ghostwriter. Most copywriting firms charge very little for article marketing products, and the right ghostwriter can help you sound intelligent with regard to your subject matter. Attempting to create an article when you can barely construct a sentence will just make you sound poorly educated to potential buyers. * A good resource box at the end of your article is absolutely essential. After all, few potential customers will know where to turn if you haven't offered them a strong resource box. There are four things that must be included in your resource box: your name, your site's URL, your USP (unique selling proposition), and your call to action. * Submitting your article to the right sites is also important. There are literally thousands of article marketing sites available these days, and proper distribution is a fairly important component to the process. Article marketing directly affects your bottom line by significantly reducing your advertising expenses. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get your message out to new and existing customers. Through the power of information, you can obtain and retain a very large and tremendously loyal customer base. Brad Lessard is the owner of EbizCommando, an online membership site specializing in helping people develop the fundamental building blocks of a successful internet business. For more information please visit Contact the Author
Brad Lessard
More Details about article marketing tips here. Keywords: article marketing, internet marketing, articles, submitting articles
Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008
Article Marketing -- Obtaining and Retaining Loyal Customers
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